Thursday, January 22, 2009




 In the following pages are step by step instructions for Surya namaskara ; the physical postures, the movements , the associated breathing sequence, the mantras and the psychic centers of concentration. Finally, there is a recapitulation of all the components together. The practice should be mastered in this order. First become familiar with the postures, then synchronize them with breath. This combination may appear complicated, but the apparent difficulty is only an illusion. With practice one will discover that the breath sequence is perfectly natural and spontaneous, and to breathe in any other manner with these particular movements would be awkward and difficult. The basic principle to remember in the beginning is that with backward bending poses the breath is inhaled, which is natural due to the expanding position of the chest, and with the forward bending poses the breath is exhaled to coincide with the automatic compression of chest and abdomen. In only one posture, number six, is breath stop and retained outside.
 After mastering the twelve movements and the associated breathing sequence, the next step is to memorize the sun mantras and to mentally repeat one mantra with each of the twelve poses. Finally one should memorize the points of concentration for each posture.

 There are no limitations as far as the age is concerned. Surya namaskara is especially beneficial for both growing children and older persons.  

When and Where to practice
 The most ideal time to practice surya namaskara is in the morning at sunrise, as this is the most peaceful time of the day and the atmosphere is full of the sun's ultraviolet rays, which are of great importance to the body's natural synthesis of vitamins. Make a habit of rising early, answering the calls of nature, taking a bath and practicing surya namaskara. Whenever possible, practice it in the open air, wearing as little clothing as possible to allow the skin to breathe and to absorb the sun's energy. If possible practice facing the sun, and use a thick folded blanket ads padding, neither too hard nor too soft. If it is not possible to practice in the early morning, then practice it at any convenient time, providing the stomach is empty. This means no food should have been taken for at least three hours before. Evening time before dinner is good.
 Physically speaking surya namaskara is practised even before the asanas so as to loosen the nerves and muscles. But for getting more flexibility it can be practice in between the asanas to remove the pressures on the body. This is very helpful in gaining flexibility. After getting used to the surya namaskara , it usually be done at the end of the yoga practices. The ideal time for the yoga practices is at the dawn ( around 4:00 - 6:00 am ) these hours is also called the Brahmamuhurta ( the hours of God ), so it suit perfectly to practice suryanamaskara at the end of yoga practices, at the sunrise, then followed by savasana to end the session.
 There can be no set rules about how many rounds of surya namaskara one should practice, as everyone's physical condition is different. In any case, it should never be practiced up to the point of exhaustion. Listen to your body and avoid strain at all times. For beginners, we suggest three rounds performed slowly, then gradually build up to twelve rounds as your body improves. A good daily practice is twelve rounds, six slowly, then six quickly followed by relaxation in savasana. Advanced students can practice 24 to 54 rounds if they wish. In special cases, such as for body purification, a daily practice of 108 rounds is sometimes recommended.
 Don't try to achieve perfection with the first try. Go slowly; there is no hurry, and remember, always practice with complete awareness.

 Surya namaskara improves all the functions of the body : Endocrine, circulatory, digestive, respiratory, excretory systems etc. are positvely influenced by the surya namaskara. All the muscles, bone joins, ligaments, and nerves are exercised equally. The spinal cord and the abdomen get a good stretch, compression, inside and outside expansion; also the leg and calfs muscles get nourished. The lungs, heart and ventricles are strengthened.  
Thus, it revitalizes the body and mind.  


Jonathan Nawilis, Jl.Tanah Abang Satu No.17, Jakarta 10160, 
ph +622168069680,


 Surya namaskara are usually perform after chanting the following verse in Position ONE before doing several rounds of surya namaskara :

 Hiranmayena Patrena
 Satyasyapihitam Mukham,
 Tattvam Pusan apavrnu, satya dharmaye drstaye.

Which means:
 Like a lid to a vessel, O! Sun.
 Your golden orb covers the entrance to Truth,
 Kindly open thy entrance, to lead me to Truth.

Position ONE
Pranamasana ( Prarthnasana ) or 'prayer pose'

 Stand erect with feet together, facing the sun. Fold the two hands together in front of the chest in the attitude of prayer ( namaskara mudra ).
For a few minutes close your eyes and beconme aware of the whole body. Adopt a mental attitude of peace and tranquility to prepare for the exercise. Relax as much as possible. There should be no tension in the body.

 Slowly and smoothly expel all air from the lungs in a profound exhalation.

 OM MITRAYE NAMAHA ( OM HRAM ) / Salutations to the friend of all

 ANAHATA ( Heart center / cardiac pulmonary / thymus gland )

Position TWO
Hasta Uttanasana ( Ardha Chandrasana ) or 'raised arms pose ( Half moon pose )'

 With complete awareness of every movement, raise both arms above your head and bend 
backward slightly. Stretch your back and arms to the maximum extent. The two palms should 
be facing upward with the head bent back, so that the whole body makes one smooth, elongated arc.

 As you raise your arms, inhale deeply to completely fill the lungs.

 OM RAVAYE NAMAHA ( OM HRIM ) / Salutations to the shining one

 VISHUDDHI ( Neck / laryngeal / Thyroid & para-thyroid center )

Position THREE
Padahastasana or 'hand to foot pose'

 In one continuous movement, lower both arms and bend forward from the waist, while keeping 
the legs absolutely straight. Try to place both palms flat on the floor, one beside each foot. Bend your
 head inwards and touch your nose to your knees.
 For many beginning practitioners this pose may be difficult to attain. In practicing it, the 
subject should not strain under any circumstances. It is sufficient to bend forward as far as c
omfortably possible. Try to touch the fingertips to the floor. One should keep in mind, however, 
that the most important point is to keep the legs completely straight. With practice the spinal cartilage 
and the leg tendons will become flexible, and the pose will become more easy to attain.

Jonathan Nawilis, Jl.Tanah Abang Satu No.17, Jakarta 10160, 
ph +622168069680,

Exhale completely while bending forward, and draw the stomach inward to contract the abdomen, thus expelling all the air from the lungs.

 OM SURYAYE NAMAHA ( OM HROOM ) / Salutations to he who induces activity

 MANIPURA ( Behind navel / Solar plexus / Pancreas – adrenals – gastric glands )

Position FOUR
Ashwa Sanchalasana ( Swastikasana ) or 'the equestrian pose ( auspicious pose )'

 While keeping both palms and left foot firmly fixed place, fully extend your right (left) 
leg backwards. Touch the toes and knee to the floor and turn your head upwards to arch 
your spine as far as possible. Keep your hands and arms perfectly straight and use them to 
support your body. Your back and neck should be bend in a horseshoe shape with the face 
looking upwards.

 Inhale deeply as you turn your face up and extend your chest and abdomen 

 OM BHANAVE NAMAHA ( OM HRAIM ) / Salutations to he who illumines

 AJNA ( Eyebrow center / Cerebral cortex / pineal gland )

Position FIVE
Parvatasana ( Svanasana ) or 'mountain pose ( dog pose )'

 Keep your hands and right foot firmly fixed in the place. Lower your head and 
extend the left leg (right) straight backward and place it in a similar position beside t
he right (left) leg. Raise your buttocks up in the air and lower your head between the two arms 
do that the body forms a right angle. Keep both your arms and legs perfectly straight.  
Look towards the navel while keeping your ears between your elbows, and try to press 
your heels to the floor.

 While making the movement, exhale completely and contract the abdomen fully.

 OM KHAGAYE NAMAHA ( OM HRAUM ) / Salutations to the infinite mover.

 SWADISHTANA ( Base of spinal column / sacral plexus / gonads – prostate glands )
Position SIX
Asthanga Namaskara ( Caturanga Dandasana ) or  
'salutation to the eight limbs ( Four-limbs support pose )'

 Lower your knees to the floor, but do not change the position of your hands or feet.  
Then lower your chest and chin, using your arms for support, and keep your hips and 
stomach slightly elevated. Only hands, chin, chest, knees and toes should touch the floor.

 In this position the breath is retained outside. No breathing movement is made.

Jonathan Nawilis, Jl.Tanah Abang Satu No.17, Jakarta 10160, 
ph +622168069680,

 OM PUSHNE NAMAHA ( OM HRAH ) / Salutations to the giver of strength  

 MOOLADHARA ( Pelvic / coccyx center / gonads gland )

Position SEVEN
Bhujangasana or 'Serpent pose'
 Lower the hips until you are lying flat on the floor and then, without shifting 
the hands or feet, raise your head. Straighten your arms to lift the entire upper torso 
off the floor. Your spine and head should be arched backwards as far as is comfortably 

 Inhale deeply while you raise your head.

  / Salutations to the cosmic source.

 SAHASRARA ( Crown of the head / Cerebral cortex / pituitary center )

Position EIGHT
Parvatasana ( Svanasana ) or 'mountain pose ( dog pose )'

 From position seven lower your head and raise your hips up in the air to re-assume 
 position five.

 Exhale while in motion.

 OM MARICHAYE NAMAHA ( OM HRIM ) / Salutations to the father of the dawn

 SWADISHTANA ( Base of spinal column / sacral plexus / gonads -prostate glands )

Position NINE
Ashwa Sanchalasana ( Swastikasana ) or 'the equestrian pose ( auspicious pose )'

 Bring your left (right) leg forward and place the left (right) foot between your hands.  
Lower your hips and arch your head and spine backwards to re-assume position four.

 Inhale while in motion.
 OM ADITYAYE NAMAHA ( OM HROOM ) / Salutations to mother of the universe
 AJNA ( Eyebrow center / Cerebral cortex / pineal gland )

Jonathan Nawilis, Jl.Tanah Abang Satu No.17, Jakarta 10160, 
ph +622168069680,

Position TEN
Padahastasana or 'hand to foot pose'

 Lower your head and bring your right (left) leg forward. Place the right (left) 
foot between your hands next to the left (right) foot, and straighten your legs, 
raising your buttocks up. Try to touch your nose to your knees to re-assume position three.

 Exhale as you straighten your legs.

 OM SAVITRE NAMAHA ( OM HRAIM ) / Salutations to the Divine mother

 MANIPURA ( Behind navel / Solar plexus / Pancreas – adrenals – gastric glands )

Position ELEVEN
Hasta Uttanasana ( Ardha Chandrasana ) or 'raised arms pose ( Half moon pose )'

 Raise your torso up and bring your arms above your head with palms facing upwards.  
Bend backward and stretch your whole body as you did in position two.

 Inhale while raising your trunk.
 OM ARKAYE NAMAHA ( OM HRAUM ) / Salutations to he who deserve to be praised
 VISHUDDHI ( Neck / laryngeal / Thyroid & para-thyroid center )

Position TWELVE
Pranamasana ( Prarthnasana ) or 'prayer pose'

 Lower your arms and join the two palms together in front of your chest in 
prayer position. Stand erect with eyes closed as in position one.

 Exhale while moving, then breathe normally.

 Salutations to he who lead to enlightment.

 ANAHATA ( Heart center / cardiac pulmonary / thymus gland )


After finishing several rounds of surya namaskara the practitioner usually sing the following verse while sitting in Vajrasana :
  Adi deva namastubhyam
  Praseede muma bhaskaraye
  Diwakara namastubhyam
  Prabhakara namastutehe.

Then come down to the ground in Shashankasana to adore Lord Sun through Sashtang Pranam 
(salutation with entire body). After this relax in Savasana.

Jonathan Nawilis, Jl.Tanah Abang Satu No.17, Jakarta 10160, 
ph +622168069680,

Seven Main Chakra:

Position No: CHAKRA:

7 Sahasrara

4,9 Ajna

2,11 Vishuddhi

1,12 Anahata

3,10 Manipura

5,8 Swadishtana

6 Mooladhara

Jonathan Nawilis, Jl.Tanah Abang Satu No.17, Jakarta 10160,

ph   +622168069680 ,